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Animal Farm Novel Pdf Free Download

Animal Farm: A Political Satire Novella

About the Novella

Animal Farm, written by George Orwell and originally published on August 17, 1945, is a political satire in the form of a novella. It humorously explores the topics of revolution, totalitarianism, and the abuse of power.

Influential Novella

Animal Farm has had a significant impact on literary and political discourse. It is widely recognized as a classic of English literature and has been translated into more than 70 languages. Its themes and characters have become deeply ingrained in popular culture.

Orwell's writing is known for its sharp wit and incisive social commentary. In Animal Farm, he uses the allegorical setting of a farm and animal characters to critique the rise of Stalinism and the betrayal of socialist ideals.

The novella follows the story of a group of animals who rebel against their human farmer and establish their own society. However, their idealistic revolution is soon corrupted by power-hungry pigs who manipulate the other animals and establish a totalitarian regime. This leads to a profound exploration of the dangers of political extremism and the importance of critical thinking.
